Beneath the Eyes by Author Upender Moramganty

Beneath the Eyes by Author Upender Moramganty

Everyone gathered around as the child opened his eyes. They stared at the monitor as the chip attached to the child's optic nerve began to relay his vision on it. There was nothing. The child appeared to watch an empty corner of the room, focusing his eyes on something invisible. The people around followed his gaze, but could only see a blank wall. Puzzled, they looked at each other inquiringly. The child continued to stare.

"Look!" said Natasha, suddenly. The monitor on the table came to life, and a faint image began to form on the screen. As they all watched intently, the faint image began to form the dark shape of a human. In a few moments, there was a hazy outline of a woman staggering towards the door. The image soon became clear, taking the distinct form of a woman. Slowly, she appeared to come closer to the screen. All of a sudden, her face became clear. She raised her eyes and looked at them. Everyone gasped and fell back, frozen

About the Author: 

Upender Reddy is a hard-core software professional in the IT field. As a voracious reader, he has harboured a long-standing ambition to author a good book himself. A sworn Hyderabadi with simple tastes but brilliant thoughts, Upender aims to create stories that compel, intrigue, challenge, educate, and entertain readers.


Horror + Emotions + Technology = Beneath the Eyes
Has it ever happened to you that you start reading a book and you are glued on to its pages? You start to believe that you can visualize those things? Well, a similar thing happened to me when reading this book. It has interesting story.
The story is basically about an invention and the group of doctors and other professionals who are creating the instrument. This book presents you the story in a fashion similar to that of an onion. Just as onion has layers, this book gives you stories one part at a time….all while maintaining the surprise! I loved the plot and the narration a lot. The author has used simple language hence reading this book was not difficult at all.
I would love to see this book converted into a movie or a short film. It has got all the potential.
Rating 5/5
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